Wednesday, 24 April 2013

A call for JUSTICE

                              A CALL FOR JUSTICE

                                                    (CHAPTER 3)


Now the third root cause of our differences with the scholars of Deoband is also before you. You have now to decide 3 things, with justice.

Firstly, do you agree with the above mentioned verdicts issued by the Deobandi scholars, or not.

Secondly, are these verdicts contrary to the lawful traditions and customs practised in the Muslim world, or not.

And thirdly, is the religious and social system of our Muslim society harmed by these verdicts or not.

If yes, and surely yes, then according to these verdicts, is the entire Muslim society involved in forbidden acts from dawn to dusk ?? And if so, where does our Islamic society stand ??

This is the stage where you have to draw a line between the scholars of Deoband and that of Bareilly - and you must arrive at the conclusion that all the efforts of the Deobandi scholars were directed at proving that the entire Muslim society, each and every member of it, was a sinner - whereas the efforts of the Ahle Sunnah Bareillvi scholars was to prove that unless an act is explicitly forbidden by Allah or the Holy Prophet (PBUH), then no one has the right to forbid it. Terming the ethical and religious customs upon which the Muslim society is built, as forbidden (Haram) is a clear deviation from proven facts and an open enmity with the Muslims.

If my readers adopt a fair stance, they will have to admit that all the efforts of the Ahle Sunnah Bareillvi scholars are in support of majority of the Muslim Ummah, whereas those of the Deobandi scholars are directed against it.

Can there be a greater ingratitude other than taking those who are hell bent upon attacking and ruining us, as our greatest well-wishers – whereas on the other hand to deem those who have put their lives and status in danger for us, as our greatest enemies ??


The purpose of clarifying the foundations of our differences, up to what I have written until now, is that the readers may clearly understand the nature of differences, and may not attribute our anger, frustration and separation for any other reason.

If the assault of the insolent pen of Deoband was on us, there could have been plenty of ways for forgiveness and reconciliation. But the fact is that they tried to harm the honour of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), and have thereby caused suffering to Allah and His Holy Prophet (PBUH) – and so the decision regarding them will come from these sources.

We do not have any direct relationship with any scholar - it is through the means of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). When someone severs his relationship with the Holy Prophet (PBUH), then the question our having a relation with him does not arise. Rather the spirit of loyalty towards the Holy Prophet (PBUH) demands from us that as long as we live, we shall not only have our relations severed with such blasphemers, but shall continue our struggle of keeping each and every Muslim away from them.



The history of our differences will remain incomplete if we do not narrate here the charges that the Deobandi scholars have levelled against us. The most important blame on us is that we have termed their learned and worthy scholars as infidels and we have been very bold and careless in giving the verdict of infidelity, and furthermore that we have been very biased and fanatical in our views.

In defence, we only wish to state that the verdict of infidelity mentioned in our book "Hussaam-ul-Haramain" (The Sword of the Two Holy Sanctuaries), for the charge of insulting the Holy Prophet (PBUH), and on the charge of denial of tenets of Islam, has been given against ONLY 5 (five) persons - and the verdict has been upheld and attested by the then scholars of Mecca and Medina, and other cities of the Arab world.

Of those five, four are the very same elders from the Deobandi School (the blasphemous writings of whom are detailed above) and the fifth person is the great liar and impostor Gulam Ahmed Qadiani.

So henceforth, if someone supports the blasphemous writings of any one of the 5 mentioned above, he will himself be responsible for the consequences and the due punishment. The scholars of Bareilly are not interested in unnecessarily expelling anyone from the fold of Islam. By supporting the blasphemous and insolent writings and disrespect of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), it is they themselves who make arrangements for their own ruin in this life and in the hereafter. It is absolutely ridiculous to blame anyone else for it.

A Point To Remember

Here, an important matter needs to be explained. A non-Muslim, after his recitation of the Kalema and acceptance of faith and Islam, should be considered a Muslim – and likewise it is necessary that if any Muslim commits blasphemy (Allah forbid), he should be considered an infidel – this is a fundamental rule.

The Ahle Sunnah Bareillvi scholars had to fulfil this unpleasant obligation under specific conditions – and similarly the Deobandi scholars have not lagged far behind. As a proof, please read the letter of Maulvi Amin Ahmed Islahi, extracted from his famous book "Hakeem-ul-Ummah" written by Maulvi Abdul Majeed Daryabadi. This letter was written at the time when Maulvi Islahi was the Chief Administrator of Madrasahe Islah, in Sarae Meer, District Azamgarh, India. The following extract from the letter is worth reading:

“The verdict given by Maulana (Ashraf Ali) Thanvi that - 'Maulvi Shibli Nomani and Maulvi Moeenuddin Farahi are infidels, and since the Madrassah is the mission of these two individuals, it follows that the Madrassahe Islah is a teaching place of infidelity and hypocrisy - to the extent that even the scholars who attend its public meetings are also infidels and faithless’ - has now been published.”

Upon receiving this letter, Maulvi Abdul Majeed Daryabadi (a disciple and caliph of Maulvi Thanvi) wrote a detailed letter as a confidante to Maulvi Thanvi in which he referred to the piety, intense worship and “Tahajjud” prayers of Maulvi Shibli Nomani and Maulvi Moeenuddin Farahi, as proofs of their Islam. His aim was to convey that the verdict of infidelity against these two prominent pious persons could not be easily accepted. The reply he received from Maulvi Thanvi was as follows:

"All these are deeds - and beliefs are quite apart from them. It is possible for wrong deeds to combine with correct faith and beliefs, and the opposite is also possible." (Hakeem-ul-Ummah - page 476)

The only possible inference from the above reply of Maulvi Thanvi is, that despite Maulvi Shibli Nomani’s and Maulvi Moeenuddin Farahi’s fame, knowledge and piety, the decree of infidelity issued by Maulvi Thanvi against the two is correct. In order to prove that Maulvi Ashraf Ali Thanvi was correct in issuing such a verdict, his devotees and fans will resort to the interpretation that surely Maulvi Thanvi must have seen or noticed some act of infidelity (in writing or in speech) in these two Maulvis - without a solid reason based on Shariah, he would surely not have issued a verdict of infidelity.

Now if we apply the same principle on Mr. Thanvi and other scholars of Deoband, then it transpires that the verdict of infidelity issued against them by the scholars of the 2 holy cities, is also NOT unfounded. They also had solid reasons based on the Shariah for terming them infidels, the details of which you have read in the earlier pages.

If the fame and piety of Maulvi Shibli Nomani and Maulvi Moeenuddin Farahi could not save them from being termed infidels, then has some special revelation descended from the sky which exempts these elders of the Deobandi school from being termed infidels, despite their being guilty of blasphemy and disrespect of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) ??


One of the charges levelled against us by the Deobandi scholars is that we have been very biased and fanatical in our views. At this juncture, it will be most appropriate to show them their own face in the mirror, so that they may think before they point a finger at anyone else !!

B1) The first example of Deobandi extremism.

You have just read in the previous paragraphs the verdict given by Maulvi Ashraf Ali Thanvi which was as follows:

'Maulvi Shibli Nomani and Maulvi Moeenuddin Farahi are infidels - and since the Madrassah (Islah) is the mission of only these two individuals, it follows that the Madrassahe Islah is a teaching place of infidelity and hypocrisy - to the extent that even the scholars who attend its public meetings are also infidels and heretics.'

Now you can yourself decide - can there be fanaticism beyond that ??

B2) Second Example of Deobandi Fanaticism.

Maulvi Thanvi is such an extremist in his views that he does not allow his devotees and fans to even read the books of the persons he considers heretics. An extract from the book "Kamalate-Ashrafia" (A collection of Maulvi Thanvi's sayings etc.,) is as follows:

“If a person from an astray sect talks about religion, there is always evil hidden in it. Their writings also contain evil hidden within, therefore one should never keep their company and never ever read their books.” (Kamalate-Ashrafia - page 55)

Now please be fair with us - if we adopt the same strict attitude towards those whom we consider infidels because of their denial of the necessities of faith and disrespect of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), we are reproached. Why should we not be allowed the same privilege that the Shariah allows them ??

B3) Another Example of Deobandi Extremism.

Those who are aware of the history of Nadwah, know that the elders of the Deobandi school were against its very formation. To the extent that when the principle of Nadwah Maulvi Mohammed Ali Mongeree went to invite Maulvi Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi to attend its yearly conference, he not only declined to accept the invitation, but also refused to meet Maulvi Mongeree. When Maulvi Mongeree insisted that if Maulvi Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi could not attend the conference, he should allow any of his men to attend on his behalf, Maulvi Gangohi's reply was:

“It has been made known to me that it (Nadwah) does not have a good ending. I therefore cannot permit any of my men to attend on my behalf.” (Tazkerat-ur-Rasheed Vol. 2 page 205).

“It does not have a good ending” – there cannot be better proof of this ILHAM (revelation) other than the fact that Nadwah is now under the control of the Deobandis !!

And the horrible picture of its ending will become clearer if you keep its beginning in sight.

Learned people know that Shibli Nomani occupied an important place amongst the founders of “Nadwah”. One of his articles has been published in the sixth volume of “Makalate Shibli”. He wrote this article at a time when there was some misunderstanding between him and the principal of Nadwah. Gradually, the differences rose to such an extent that the students went on strike in support of Shibli. The excerpt is as follows:

“When the crisis was at its peak, the time of Mawlid Shareef arrived and the students wanted to celebrate it according to their yearly routine - but knowing that I (Shibli) would speak on the occasion of Mawlid Shareef, they were prevented from it. At last some people intervened and persuaded him (the principal) that if Mawlid Shareef celebration was not permitted, there will be widespread anger in the city. So under this compulsion, the celebration of Mawlid Shareef was allowed, but under various conditions and restrictions.” (Makalate Shibli – Vol. 6. Page 131)

But can the Mawlid Shareef celebration be held in the courtyard of Dar-ul-Uloom Nadwah in this age ?? Is the trend of celebrating Mawlid Shareef still prevalent among the students of Nadwah ?? No. Because Nadwah has now been usurped by Deobandis.

Just think !! That was the beginning and this is the end – and strangely enough, note that the “Ilham” of Maulvi Rasheed Gangohi relates only with its “evil” end – not with the beginning !!

 B4) Yet Another Example Of Deobandi Fanaticism.

 You have read one example of the fanaticism of Maulvi Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi. Now please read one more example of his extremism and stubbornness.

THis hatred for the Saints and their mausoleums had reached to such an extent, that he hated even their Urs. The mausoleum of one of the famous Chishti Saints Hazrat Maulana Abdul Quddoos Gangohi is also in the same Gangoh, which happens to be the native place of Maulvi Rasheed Ahmed. The hatred in his heart for the great saint, and for the celebration of the saints’ “Urs” can be gauged from the following extract from the book of Maulvi Zakaria – the Shaykh-ul-Hadith of Saharanpur. He writes in his book “Tareekhe Mashaikhe Chisht – page 294” (The History of Chishti Shuyukh) as follows:

“The Urs of Hazrat Maulana Abdul Quddoos Gangohi which Maulvi Rasheed Ahmed was powerless to stop, distressed him so much that it was almost impossible for him to bear it. At first, he used to leave Gangoh and stay in Rampur in those days, but in the last few years of his life he was compelled to bear this anguish and had to spend the time of the Urs in his Khankah (house). During the days of Urs, he also detested his disciples coming to Gangoh to such an extent that he often showed his anger and even avoided speaking to them. One of his Caliphs and disciples, Maulvi Mohammed Saleh Jalandhari set off for Gangoh in order to have the privilege of seeing Maulvi Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi. Incidentally, the Urs was in full swing. Although Maulvi Mohammed Saleh did not have the faintest idea of the Urs, Maulvi Rasheed Ahmed instead of replying to his greetings, did not even bother to ask him whether he had taken his meal, or even ask him the reason of his arrival.”

“Two days passed away in the same stalemate. Seeing Maulvi Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi’s face turned away from him, and purposely ignoring his presence was unbearable for Maulvi Mohammed Saleh. At last he approached Maulvi Rasheed Ahmed, and with tears in his eyes he asked Maulvi Rasheed as to what had he done, for which he was being punished so severely. As an apology he further said, ‘Hazrat, Allah knows that from the very beginning, I have no interest in things like Urs. I swear that I have not come to Gangoh for the sake of attending the Urs. I did not know that the Urs was being held in these days.’ Imam Rabbani said, ‘Although your intention was not of attending the Urs, but on the way through which two men were coming to attend the Urs, you were the third !!’ ”.

Readers must now decide with justice - can there be fanaticism more intense than this ?? His disciple had not come to Gangoh for the sake of attending the Urs, but had come to meet his Shaykh. But as he had made the terrible mistake of coming at the time of Urs, he was punished severely, as if he had committed a heinous crime !!

Now the question arises that if Maulvi Rasheed Ahmed had so much hatred for the Urs of Maulana Abdul Quddoos Gangohi, then why did he ever become a disciple in the Chishti Sabri order of saints ?? And whereas the fact is that in this order, right from Hazrat Khawaja Moeenuddin Chishti, to Khawaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kaki, Baba Fareeduddin Ganj Shakr, Meboob-e-Ilahi Hazrat Nizamuddin Awliya, Hazrat Sabir Pak, Hazrat Chirag Delhi, Hazrat Banda Nawaz Gaysu Daraz, Hazrat Turk Panipati, Hazrat Shaykh Abdul Haq Radolvi, Hazrat Shaykh Abdul Quddoos Gangohi, Hazrat Shaykh Jalaluddin Thanesri, Hazrat Akhi Siraj, Hazrat Alauddin Pindvi and Hazrat Sultan Ashraf Jehangir Samnani – among them there is not a single saint who has not held the Urs of his Shuyukh.

It is quite strange to note that only because of the fact that his disciple had come during the time of Urs, Maulvi Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi turned his face away from him. Whereas all the Shuyukh of the Chishti order who have kept the tradition of Urs alive, believe him (Shaykh Abdul Quddoos) to be their Dastageer (aide). Now the question which swings like a sword above the head of Maulvi Rasheed Ahmed is – how can someone who (according to the beliefs of Maulvi Rasheed Ahmed) is himself involved in “Moharrimat wa Bidaat” (forbidden acts and innovations), take someone else close to Allah ??


The people against whom Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza (of Bareilly) used his pen could not bear their wounds, and kept moaning all their life. Revenge is a basic instinct of every wounded person - and naturally, when a person cannot restrict his enemies, he resorts to hurling abuses. The same thing happened with Ala Hazrat. The people who could not defend the charge of insulting the Holy Prophet (PBUH) through knowledge and proper arguments, concluded that the only way of satisfying their lust for revenge was to tarnish the image of Ala Hazrat – by any means, fair or foul.

When they could not find anything objectionable in the dignity and personality of Ala Hazrat, they concocted the false charge that Ala Hazrat has revived various innovations instead of reviving the Sunnah – whereas as a Renewer of Islam, the greatest accomplishment of Ala Hazrat is his differentiation and segregation of right from wrong, and truth from falsehood - innumerable examples of these are spread over huge volumes of his decrees (fatawas).

The name of Shaykhe Deoband Husain Ahmed Madani, tops the list of those who raised such accusations against Ala Hazrat. In his book entitled “Al Shihab–ul-Saqib”, he has hurled about 600 abuses on Ala Hazrat, among which is “The Renewer of Innovations” – which is a scar on the page of his book.

But at this stage, I wish to salute the character and dignity of Ala Hazrat again and again that despite the Deobandis’ grave enmity, the accusers have not yet been able to prove him as a pioneer of innovations.

The difference in the meaning of “Pioneer” and “Renewer” is well known to every learned person. Those who called Ala Hazrat the “Renewer” of innovations must now prove who is the “Pioneer” of the “innovations” which supposedly Ala Hazrat has revived. And they will also have to give account, as to how many times have they abused the “Pioneers” of such innovations.

Although it is not the main topic, I do have a long list of innovations - the “pioneers” of which are none other than the Deobandi scholars themselves !! Though I do not have ample time, but to prove my objection and in relevancy with the occasion, I quote only some of the innovations pioneered by the Deobandi scholars, as listed below:

1.       Reading the complete Saheeh Bukhari Shareef (the famous Hadith collection), in order raise money for the Madressah, while giving the excuse that this was done for “repelling calamities & fulfilling needs” - the pioneer of this innovation is none other than the Darul Uloom Deoband itself.

2.       Assigning a specific place for funeral prayers in the courtyard of Darul Uloom Deoband, not on the basis of administrative reasons but on the basis of wrong beliefs – the pioneer of this innovation is none other than the Darul Uloom Deoband itself.

3.       Stipulating that the shroud of a dead Muslim must always be made of Khaddar (a hand spun coarse cloth) – and refusing to lead / offer the funeral prayers in the absence of Khaddar – the pioneer of this innovation is none other than the Shaykh of Deoband, Maulvi Husain Ahmed !!

4.       Holding a large celebration upon completion of 100 years of Deoband Madressah, with huge arrangements and publicity for the sake of conferring certificates to scholars – and inviting a polytheist, “Gair Mahram” (forbidden even to look at) woman on the stage, and giving her the seat of “Chief Guest” – and as if this was not enough, seating all their elderly scholars and students at her footsteps below the stage - the pioneers of these several evil innovations are none other than the scholars of Deoband.

5.       Standing up respectfully on hearing the National Anthem (of India) which contains several polytheistic phrases, and that too in the courtyard of a religious school - the pioneers of this evil innovation are none other than the scholars of Deoband.

6.       Considering that it is a “religious duty” to help a Congress leader to gain victory in elections - the pioneer of this innovation is none other than the Shaykh of Deoband, Maulvi Husain Ahmed !!

7.       Holding a public meeting with invitations, for the sake of condoling the death of their elders and then reciting eulogies based on heresy and apostasies - the pioneer of this innovation is none other than the Darul Uloom Deoband itself.

8.       Compulsorily stopping the people after a predetermined particular Salat (obligatory prayer) and delivering a lecture from the book “Tableeghi Nisaab” - the pioneers of these several innovations are none other than the scholars of Deoband. (This book has now been named “Fazaile Aamal”).

9.       Taking the people out of their homes for “special worship” and on tours around the world in the name of inviting people to recite Kalema and offer Salat - the pioneers of this innovation are none other than the scholars of Deoband.

10.   Ordering all the people present to stand up in respect of the Indian President when he arrived, while the national anthem (of India) was being sung in the courtyard of the Darul Uloom - the pioneers of this innovation are none other than the scholars of Deoband, who were themselves present on the stage. Now they must answer as what kind of innovation this was.

These and countless other innovations have been pioneered by the Deobandi school - but they never get tired of terming Ala Hazrat as an Innovator !!

Scholars of the Deobandi school give the decree of “heresy” without any hesitation on every newly originated action, and by terming it as prohibited, they create new differences and new intrigues among the Muslims.

Take the case of Mawlid as an example. The most important reason given by them to prove that it is “an innovation, haram (prohibited) and a heresy” is that it is a 700-year-old innovation. In its present state, it was neither at the time of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), nor in the age of the Companions or Tabayeens. But when it is asked, that if according to you it is a heresy only because of it being a newly invented act, then please point out any of its components which eradicates any Sunnah or comes under the category of forbidden acts – so they have no answer, except to keep silent.

Following are the components of a Mawlid Shareef gathering:

1.       Public announcement

2.       Carpeting, stage, tent, etc.

3.       Illumination

4.       Perfumes and sprinkling of rose water

5.       Distribution of sweets

6.       Gathering of Muslims

7.       Narration of events that took place at the time of birth of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)

8.       Remembrance of Allah and His Holy Prophet (PBUH)

9.       Standing and recital of Salaam

In the above list, except for the standing and recital of Salaam, there is not a single component that is missing in their gatherings for Seerah, sermon, preaching, or for honouring their scholars. Public announcement, stage, illuminations, gathering of people, speeches by one or more speakers - all these are present – so by their own decree, they should also term these as prohibited.

The only remaining issue is that of Standing and reciting Salaam. This too is not the reason of prohibiting Mawlid Shareef - for according to them, the celebration of Mawlid Shareef is prohibited even without this. (According to the explanation of the decree issued by their famous Maulvi, Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi.)

And if it is asserted that the reason of prohibition is the narration of incorrect traditions in it, then I would like to remind you that Maulvi Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi prohibited the Mawlid Shareef even if the traditions narrated in it are correct !!

In a number of debates I have asked the scholars of the Deobandi school, that when the components of our Mawlid gatherings and that of your various gatherings are one and the same, then why are your gatherings for the purpose of delivering sermons permissible - and at the same time, why are our gatherings for Mawlid impermissible ?? An act cannot be permitted or prohibited just because the reason of our assembly is Mawlid Shareef and your assembly is for delivering a sermon or for seerah.

When they could not come up with any reply, I said that there is only one reason which comes to my mind - and that is – on the occasion of the birth of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), when the entire universe was celebrating, only Satan (alongwith his disciples) was mourning and casting dirt upon his head.

Only Satan the outcast was aggrieved at the birth of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Possibly you too feel hurt and follow Satan’s footsteps, because the event of his noble birth has taken place a long time ago, and now only its memories are left. When you people celebrate the “Diamond Jubilee” of Madressah Deoband, Shariah does not stop you - and when we celebrate Mawlid Shareef, the Deobandi school starts screaming !!

Someone has rightly said - that when the heart is envious of someone, it gets enflamed even at the mention of his name !!

                                                         PART THREE


After going through this article, a question may come to mind – why is it that when there are so many astray sects, that the scholars of Ahle Sunnah seem to come together against only the Deobandi School of thought, and not so much against any other ??

Before answering this question, I consider it essential to point out that by Allah’s grace, the scholars of Ahle Sunnah have fought against, and denounced and refuted every stray sect by speech, literature and debate – there is ample proof of this. We have never compromised with anyone in our quest to overcome evil and to protect the true faith. A number of treatises written by Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza (and other scholars) in denunciation of Shias, Qadianis, and Non-Abiders (Gair Muqallid) have been published in millions and are being published right up to this day. After Ala Hazrat, his caliphs, pupils and disciples performed religious duties through their speeches and writings and the influence of their services has spread all over the world. It would be wrong to assume that we have a soft corner for any deviated sect.


A point that remains to be clarified is – why is the attitude of the Ahle Sunnah scholars, so severe against the Deobandi sect ?? There are a number of reasons for it – they must be read and understood with a cool mind.

Reason no. 1 - Their infidelity

The first and foremost reason is the infidelities and blasphemies of the Deobandi scholars – these are actually the fundamental differences – these heretic beliefs are written in their books and are ingrained in the hearts of the Deobandis.

Reason no. 2 - Difficulty in identification

As far as actions are concerned, they too call themselves Hanafi, and apparently they offer Salat (prayer) as we do. Their call of Salat, Salat of Eid, etc., are the same as ours. In short, there are no outward signs with which the simple Muslims can identify/recognise them. There is every possibility that simple Muslims will misunderstand them. Therefore it was necessary that the beliefs of the Deobandi school be presented clearly to the masses, in order that there is no difficulty in identifying them.

As far as Shias are concerned, their call for prayers, their mode of prayer etc., are vastly different from that of Sunnis – they are easily identifiable. The same is the case of the Non-Abiders (Gair-Muqallid). Their compulsory prayers, Witr prayers, Taraweeh and Eid prayers clearly warn others that they have different beliefs. Therefore the need to warn people of such deviated sects is not as urgent as is the need to educate them about the deviant Deobandis.

Reason No. 3 - Their methods of corrupting the faith of Sunni Masses

They are very good impostors. By entering the ranks of our Sunni masses, and impersonating to be on our side, they bring people close to them through various tricks - and when they deduce that they have been successful in doing so, they inculcate respect and adoration in their hearts for the elders of the Deoband school. Thereafter they change them to such an extent that they begin to abhor all the beliefs and customs, which were dear to them like their faith - and consider them polytheism and heresy !! Within a few days, their hearts get sealed with such wretchedness that they are not prepared to listen to any reference either from the Quran or Hadith. It should be noted very clearly that I am not writing this from imagination. Rather these are our daily observations.

In such circumstances, there is no other way left to save the simple masses from going astray from the Straight Path followed by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the saints, but to educate them about the filthy beliefs of the Deobandi sect, and their deceits and fraud.

Reason no. 4 – The hypocrisy of the Deobandi sect

Going through the traits of Deobandi sect, it becomes very clear that they are truly the inheritors of the traits of the hypocrites mentioned in the Holy Quran. For instance, the hypocrites were double-faced. One face was meant for their own group whilst the other was for the honourable Muslim Companions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). The Holy Quran has narrated this trait of theirs in the following words:

And when they meet with the believers, they say, “We believe”; and when they are alone with their devils, they say, “We are undoubtedly with you, we were just mocking !!” (Surah Al Baqarah 2:14 - from the Holy Quran’s English Translation “Treasure of Faith” by Mohammed Aqib Qadri)

The same is the case with the Deobandi sect. They too have two faces – one for the faithful followers of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the other for members of their own group.

An interesting example of Deobandis’ hypocrisy

If you want to see a living example of the above, come to Delhi. A very famous person by the name of Jamil Ilyasi resides here who is a staunch Deobandi Tableeghi. The addition of the term Ilyasi is sufficient to portray his complete background. On the one hand, he is such an active preacher of Deobandism and Tableeghi Jamaat in Delhi that it is highly unlikely that there is any mosque in Delhi of which he is member of the Delhi Waqf board and Waqf council, which he has not turned into a camp of the Tableeghi Jamaat. But now learn the other side of picture and lament - that there is not a single Mausoleum of the twenty Khawajas of Delhi at which he is not present on the occasion of Urs. When the late Rajiv Gandhi became the Prime Minister for the first time, Jamil Ilyasi was the one who placed the floral wreath on the grave of Khawaja Moeenuddin Chishti on his behalf. Another more interesting fact is that when the late Mrs. Indira Gandhi was removed from her post and was passing her life in the abyss of defeat, Jamil Ilyasi approached her - and like a soothsayer who could see the future, advised her that there is only one person on earth who could restore her rule – and that person is Huzoor Gaws e Azam Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani whose sacred mausoleum is in Baghdad. Indira Gandhi did not want anything else. She immediately arranged for his trip and Jamil Ilyasi set off for Baghdad. He remained in seclusion at the holy shrine for fifteen days – and upon returning he informed her that he had received the good news from the shrine that her (Indira Gandhi’s) rule would be restored within 9 months.

Now please be fair – can someone wage a war more intense against his or her own faith, except the followers of the Deobandi faith ?? They, according to their own terminology, have “worshipped” graves and accepted those as “faithful” who according to them have spread polytheism. Now you yourself decide – how difficult it is to avoid people who have so many faces. They portray a different face in Deoband and Saharanpur – and a different one in Baghdad and Ajmer.

The Deobandi Faith Murdered !!

Those who have read Taqwiat-ul-Iman and Bahishti Zewar are aware of the fact that according to the Deobandi school, seeking assistance from the “graves” is “Shirk-e-Jali” (absolute polytheism). But now read the belief they have for the graves and tombs of their own elders – extracted from the book “Tareekhe Mashaekhe Chisht”, written by none other than the Shaykh-ul-Hadith of Saharanpur, Maulvi Zakaria Saheb.

While writing about the demise of Mianji Noor Mohammed Jhanjhanvi, who was the Shaykh of Haji Imdadullah Makki, he quotes Haji Saheb that his Shaykh (while in his fatal disease) said to him:

“I wanted to put you into toil and exertion (of spiritualism), but I cannot go against the will of God - the call of my last journey has arrived.” When Hazrat Saheb uttered these words, I (Haji Imdadullah) burst into tears. Hazrat comforted me and said that a saint does not die, but rather he moves from one world to another. The same benefit will be derived from the grave of a saint, as was during his lifetime.”

Read one more extract regarding the grave of Mianji Noor Mohammed Jhanjhanvi – from his biography which is published by Idara Talifaat Ashrafia in Thana Bhavan, the preface of which is written by Qari Mohammed Tayyeb Saheb, the principal of Darul Uloom Deoband. The writer says:

“Even after the demise of Mianji Noor Mohammed Jhanjhanvi, the same spring of bounty flows from his honourable soul and according to his own words, the same beneficence which used to be received from his angelic personality is derived from his grave.”

So in order to prove that the same benefits do accrue from Mianji Noor Mohammed Jhanjhanvi’s grave after his demise, the writer of the biography quotes the following event:

“Haji Imdadullah Makki once said that there was a weaver among the disciples of Mianji Noor Mohammed Jhanjhanvi. After the death of Hazrat, the weaver paid a visit to the mausoleum of Hazrat Saheb and after offering “Fateha”, he pleaded that he was very disturbed and was living a life of poverty. He received a reply from Hazrat Saheb that he will get two annas (Indian currency coins) daily from his grave. Once when I visited the mausoleum, I found him there. After narrating the whole event to me, he said that he receives the promised amount from the foot of the grave every day.” (Sawanahe Hazrat Mianjev page 79)

Now please be fair !! It is clearly stated in the famous books of the Deobandi sect - namely Taqwiat-ul-Iman, Bahishti Zewar and Fatawahe Rasheediyah - that seeking help by paying a visit to a mausoleum and requesting the saint to help in times of troubles and calamities is blatant polytheism. But now you can see that in this whole event, the verdict of polytheism has been accepted as part of faith !!

Now you can yourself decide that when there is such a thick cover of hypocrisy on the face of the sect that it hides the doctrines of its own faith, how difficult it is to identify them. So in order to save the general public from the evils of this double faced religion, the scholars of Ahle Sunnah school felt the need to educate the people time and again regarding the features of their hidden face, so that they be saved from falling into their trap.

                                                           PART FOUR


The word “Bidat” (innovation) is a very frequently used term in the Deobandi sect. Every now and then terming the Ahle Sunnah as “Bidati” is part of their daily conversation - to the extent that they have named the Ahle Sunnah as “Bidati” (innovators). For example in his book “Tareekhe Mashaekhe Chisht” Maulvi Zakaria has quoted the following statement of Haji Imdadullah Makki:

“I never decline to make anyone my disciple in order that he may not be trapped by some innovator – upon which Allah may call me to account that ‘This man had come to you - why did you turn him away, because of which he got trapped at such a place ??’ ”

There can be no other interpretation of the above statement except that since Haji Saheb is the Shaykh of Deoband, only he is on the proper way of Sunnah – and that all the other Shuyukh are innovators !!

At this juncture I feel the need to bring before you the other side of the picture. In the same book, Maulvi Zakaria has written that Haji Imdadullah Makki had affixed a stone at the grave of his Shaykh Mianji Noor Mohammed Jhanjhanvi, on which the following verses are inscribed:

“The city of Jhanjhana is a place of guidance - the place where exists your home and refuge -

Your Lord the Pure, and your mausoleum - is here - therefore know, O wise man !!

Here is the sacred grave of the great person, here all the Shuyukh and commoners bow their heads !!

Whoever wishes to see the Lord God, should go to pay a visit to his grave,

The moment he sees it, I firmly believe - he will see the Lord of the creation !!”

Just imagine !! (1) To set off for visiting his grave, and (2) Seeing his grave is equal to seeing Allah – are all these things permitted in the Deobandi faith ?? I challenge every one right from Maulvi Zakaria down to every elder and student of the Deobandi sect, to prove in the light of their beliefs – as stated in Taqwiat-ul-Iman, Bahishti Zewar and Fatawahe Rasheediyah – that all these verses are according to the Deobandi faith. But regrettably, since this deed has been committed by their own elders, the Deobandis must blindly accept it as correct !!

Going against their own principles for the sake of their elders, is the exclusive double-faced policy of the Deobandis that had to be exposed. And in order to expose the Deobandis, the scholars of Ahle Sunnah had to resort to writing books, go for debates, and had to make the spreading of the truth a mission of their lives.

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